Summer Specials!
Brand: Endogard
Uses: Treats hookworms, roundworms, whipworms and tapeworms.
Doses: 1 Tablet = 3 Months


4.7/5 (43 Reviews)
In Stock, Price Starting From: $12.78

Endogard For Small Dogs/Puppies 5Kg (Green) - 11lbs

Pack Size
Sale Price
2 Tablets
4 Tablets

Endogard For Medium Dogs 10Kg (Yellow) - 22lbs

Pack Size
Sale Price
1 Tablet
2 Tablets
4 Tablets

Endogard for Large Dogs 44 lbs (20Kg)

Pack Size
Sale Price
2 Tablets
4 Tablets

Endogard For Extra Large Dogs 35Kg (Blue) - 77lbs

Pack Size
Sale Price
2 Tablets
4 Tablets
  • Description
  • Key Benefits
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Endogard Dog All Wormer

Endogard is liver flavored tablet with an anthelmintic action against all major intestinal worms found in dogs. A single dosage treatment, the tablets destroys hookworms, roundworms, whipworms and tapeworms (including hydatids) found in dogs. The broad-spectrum Allwormer kills, controls and prevents diseases caused by these gastrointestinal worms in dogs.

How does it work?

Endogard contains Praziquantel and Oxibendazole as the active ingredients. Both of them have ovicidal and larvicidal effects against various intestinal worms. By combining their individual anthelmintic properties, Endogard destroys and treats mixed infestations of intestinal worms in dogs. It causes severe damage to the integuments of the worms and causes contraction, paralysis and death.

The tablet thus destroys the adult and immature life stages of gastrointestinal worms and prevents infections and diseases caused by these worms. The highly palatable tablets are used to protect and treat all breeds of dogs.

Key Benefits
  • Palatable liver flavored tablets are a treat for puppies and dogs
  • Easy to administer single dose treatment
  • Destroys adult as well as larval stages of major types of intestinal worms
  • Broad-spectrum anthelmintic that treats, controls and prevents roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms (including hydatids)
  • Suitable for 2 weeks and older puppies and dogs
  • One treatment that suits all breeds of dogs
  • Safe for breeding and pregnant dogs

General instructions:

Pets will take this liver flavored tablet as a treat. If they resist direct intake of the tablet then mix with their food. Start administering one Endogard tablet when the puppy is 2 weeks of age. Repeat at every two weeks until the puppy is 3 month old.

Once the pet is 3 month old, treat him at an interval of every 3 months. It is advisable to treat the mother along with the pups.

For routine prevention of worms in adult dogs, give one tablet at every 3 months. To combat heavy roundworm infestation, give the tablet at every 14 days.

For lactating and breeding female dogs:

Lactating mother dogs should be treated two weeks after the birth of the litter and then repeat the Endogard tablet at every 2 weeks until weaning.

Treat breeding female dogs during mating period, 1 week before parturition and 3-4 weeks after parturition.


  • 1 tablet of Endogard green pack treats dogs up to 11 lbs (5 kg) bodyweight.
  • 1 tablet of Endogard orange pack treats dogs 11 to 22 lbs (10 kg) bodyweight.
  • 1 tablet of Endogard purple pack treats dogs 22 to 77 lbs (35 kg) bodyweight.
  • Do not treat pups younger than two weeks of age and less than 3.3 lbs.
  • Do not treat pets allergic to any of the ingredients of the tablet.
  • Do not treat female dogs during the first two-thirds of pregnancy.
  • Wash hands after administering the tablet.
  • Side effects are rare but may show up in hypersensitive pets.
  • Take veterinary advice if your pet shows diarrhea or vomiting as the adverse effects.
  • Keep away from children, pets and food items.
  • Store in cool and dark place, away from sunlight.
  • Use for veterinary purpose only.
  • Throw away the left over part of the tablet.
  • Follow vet’s advice to dispose the packing and any leftover tablet.
  • Take vet’s advice before treating sick, convalescing and debilitated pets.


  • Do not combine Endogard treatment with the use of piperazine compounds.
  • Do not overdose pregnant female dogs.
More Info
Target species All breeds of dogs
Mode of administration Oral
Active Ingredient Praziquantel and Oxibendazole
Brand Name Endogard
Customer Review

Overall Rating


43 reviews

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Feline Favorite

My feline favorite remedy, she always readily accept this and stays freee from those invaders.

Sep 27, 2022


Best and Effective

The best and effective solution I have ever had for my pal. Would highly recommend this to every pet parent like me.

Mar 07, 2022



Forever customer

Jan 06, 2022


Good one

This product is the best way to go!

Jan 03, 2022


Useful and effective

The product is very well managed; it is absolutely natural and has no side effects

Oct 05, 2021

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