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Feline Anxiety Relief

Feline Anxiety Relief for Cats


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  • 15 Ml
Feline Anxiety Relief for Cats 15 Ml

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Uses: Calms and relaxes stressful cats.

Doses: As per directions

  • Description
  • Key Benefits
  • Directions
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Feline Anxiety Relief

Feline Anxiety Relief is a natural homeopathic formula that aids in promoting normal calmness in cats. It is ideal during travels, visits to the veterinarian, introducing new pets to the family and kenneling. This easy-to-dose liquid drops can be given directly or mixed in the food or water. This treatment is ideal for rescue cats or cats that are newly adopted into the family. It aids in treating separation anxiety and can assist in reducing urine marking and other undesired behavior caused by stress.

How does it work?

Feline Anxiety Relief, a Homeopet product is made up of natural ingredients, hence, it is safe for cats. It assists in relieving the stress of the cat in the most natural manner. It is suitable for all breeds and sizes of cats.

Key Benefits
  • Easy to administer with no apparent side effects
  • Fights general, acute and chronic anxiety
  • Prevents uncharacteristic feline behavior, including hair pulling, urine marking and stress licking of coat
  • Provides relief to the cat from fears, phobias and anxious moments
  • Recommended for all sizes and breeds of cats
  • Relaxes cats with anxiety in natural way
  • An oral treatment that requires drops to be induced directly to the mucous membrane of the cat.
  • If the cat shows sensitivity towards the alcoholic odor of the drops, then mix it with the water, food and milk.
  • Seek the advice of your veterinarian while treating pregnant and lactating queens.
  • Before administering this treatment to pregnant queens seek the advice of your veterinarian.
  • Give a small quantity of the dose to verify whether your cat is hypersensitive to homeopathic preparations.
  • If the pet is overdosed then there may be return of symptoms related to anxiety.
  • Never overdose the cat in any situation.
More Info
Target species Cats
Mode of administration Oral
Active Ingredient Aconitum nap 10x, 200c, 1 M, Arg nit, Arsenicum alb, Gelsemium 6c, 30c, 200c, Avena, Passiflora, Scutellaria, Valeriana 4x, 7x, Calc phos, Causticum, Hyoscyamus, Nat carb, Silica terra 30c, 200c, Ignatia, Phos 6c, 30c, 200c, 1M, Lycopodium, Staphysag 6c, 30c, Pulsatilla nutt 30c, 200c, 1M, Stramonium 200c in 20% USP alc. in purified water.
Brand Name Homeopet
Customer Review

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42 reviews

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Great combo

This is the one to choose if your cat remains anxious. It offers relief right away.

Jun 30, 2024


Easy Peasy

Finally!! I found a remedy to keep my cats relaxed.

May 31, 2024


Easy Peasy

We think she is showing some improvement.

Apr 30, 2024


Good relief

Thanks for these anti anxiety tablets, helped my kitty to relax.

Mar 30, 2024


A must buy

The prices are best as usual

Feb 29, 2024

Have A Question?

question-arrow would this possibly help relieve stress of estrus recurring in already spayed cat ?

next-arrow Please refer to the product insert or contact your veterinarian.

Apr 02, 2023