Summer Specials!
Kyron Eye Wash

Kyron Eye Wash for Dogs & Cats


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  • 30 Ml
Kyron Eye Wash for Dogs & Cats 30 Ml

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Uses: Cleanses and removes dirt and debris from the pet's eyes.

Doses: As per directions

  • Description
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Kyron Eye Wash for Dogs and Cats

Kyron Eye Wash is an isotonic solution for cleaning the eyes of dogs and cats. It is especially used to clean eyes before eye examination. It does not cause any burning or stinging. The isotonic formula cleanses and soothes an irritated eye. The eye solution is also helpful in cleaning eyes during conjunctivitis or cleaning before medication.

How it works?

Kyron Eye Wash is specially developed for dogs and cats. It is made up of natural ingredients. The eye solution contains sodium bicarbonate, boric acid, and other cleaning agents. These ingredients gently work on the eyes and remove dirt without any side effects. Kyron Eye Wash is an isotonic formula that cleanses the eyes gently leaving the soothing effect. It is recommended by vet for better eye care.

Key Benefits
  • Helps in removing dirt and debris
  • Aids to remove foreign bodies or mucous-like discharge during conjunctivitis
  • Made from natural ingredients
  • No side effects
  • Quite easy to administer
  • Hold your pet firmly but gently before applying the eye wash.
  • Put a few drops of solution into the eyes.
  • Ensure the tip of the bottle does not touch the eyes.
  • For proper spread of the eye drops, allow your pet to blink the eyes.
  • Store it in a cool and dry place.
  • Keep away from children and pets.
  • For veterinary use only.
  • Safe to use in puppies, dogs, kittens and cats.


No known side effects found yet.

More Info
Target species Dogs and cats
Mode of administration Topical
Active Ingredient

Sodium bicarbonate

Boric acid

Other cleaning agents.

Brand Name Kyron
Customer Review

Overall Rating


43 reviews

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Effective and reasonably priced pet eye wash solution.

Jun 21, 2024


Kyron Eye Wash

Protect my dog against harmful eye infections.

May 18, 2024


Kyron Eye Wash

Best for getting a clean and sparkling eyes!

Apr 20, 2024


Effective solution

Brandy absolutely loves it

Mar 14, 2024


Best eyewash

It works very well to prevent the gunk buildup around the eyes.

Feb 22, 2024

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