Summer Specials!
HP Leaks No More

HP Leaks No More for Dogs & Cats


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  • 15 Ml
HP Leaks No More for Dogs & Cats 15 Ml

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Uses: Provides relief from urinary incontinence or leaking that occurs in older pets, and spayed/neutered males.

Doses: As per directions

  • Description
  • Key Benefits
  • Directions
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HomeoPet Leaks No More for Dogs & Cats

HomeoPet Leaks No More is a Homeopathy remedy that provides relief for urinary incontinence or leaking that occurs in older pets and spayed/neutered animals. The oral treatment is specially formulated to support normal urination in dogs and cats. This liquid helps to cause tightening of your pet’s sphincter muscle which may get loosened with age or with spaying/neutering. This is specially done without the use of any chemicals or artificial compounds and hence, it is totally safe with no side effects.

How it works?

HomeoPet Leaks No More formula is developed with natural ingredients. It contains all-natural ingredients such as Plantago major, gelsemium sempervirens cantharis, causticum, alumina in purified water. The formula controls leaking and helps older pets to lead a normal life.

Key Benefits
  • Specially formulated to relieve urinary incontinence or leaking
  • Highly beneficial for older and spayed pets
  • Non-toxic and chemically free formula
  • Liquid form, easy to administer
  • No known side effects of using this product
  • Administer the drops directly into the mouth of a dog or a cat.
  • If administering directly is distressful, put drops in food, water or milk.
  • Some pets may be sensitive to odor of alcohol preservative. For such cases, wait for 10-20 minutes for the odor to evaporate from water and food and then administer it to your pet.
  • It is normal for animals to shake their heads as response to alcohol preservative in the Leaks No More treatment.  
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets.
  • Store it in a cool place.
  • Wash hands after use.
  • Never use on fish.
More Info
Target species Dogs/Cats
Mode of Administration Oral
Ingredient Alumina, Cantharis, Causticum, Gelsemium sempervirens, Plantago
Brand Name HomeoPet
Customer Review

Overall Rating


39 reviews

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Good one

It has no negative side effects and functions well.

Jun 15, 2024


HP Leaks No More

Non-toxic and safe formulation for my dogs

May 12, 2024


HP Leaks No More

I am using this for my senior dog! Protects with the urine leakage!

Apr 13, 2024


Works Well

This is the best worming treatment oyu can buy.

Mar 08, 2024



Great product. I feel great watching my pet's leaking problem getting under control.

Feb 16, 2024

Have A Question?

question-arrow Approx how many drops per day would I give a 40lb dog?

next-arrow Please consult with a veterinarian to discuss the required dosage for your pet.

Jul 16, 2023